Franck Speaker Biogen

Intervention en public

Equable intervient régulièrement en public sur le Lean Management, Lean Six Sigma, l’Excellence Opérationnelle et la Transformation des chaînes de valeur. Exemples

  • Franck Strub – Lean Six Sigma Capacity Building public talk – HRDC & MEXA, Ebene, Mauritius, 20 July 2023
  • Franck Strub – Lean Six Sigma Introduction company talk – BIOGEN,. Barcelone, Espagne, 30 Janvier 2018
  • Franck Strub – Lean Six Sigma Introduction public talk – Association bancaire, Paris, France, 30 Janvier 2015

Equable aide ses clients à développer la dissémination de la culture Lean et Lean Management auprès de leur personnel, clients, fournisseurs, organisations professionnelles et organismes publics

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Hello Franck,
Thank you very much Franck for your continuous coaching, patience and support on the projects I worked on for my Green Belt certification. It was definitely not easy to complete it but I am so glad I did. No questions on your training and coaching at all, I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to learn from you. Thank you a ton.
All the best with Equable and wish you great health and success.
Best regards,

Kimtee R.
R&D Engineer, Natec Medical

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